How to Use App Limits and Downtime on your iOS 12?

Apple’s digital health:-
     Apple’s digital health push includes some special features for iPhone and iPad users who want to cut down their app usage. App limits help you in setting a certain time limit on a certain app category. When you have spent a lot time using the app category, iOS sends an alert to you notifying you about the fact. Obviously, you can ignore these alerts, but the idea behind them is that they will help you be better at time management.

      The second feature, Downtime, allows you is to set a daily schedule for when you would not use your iOS device at all. Activated once, the feature restricts device usage to phone calls and other apps you have exempted from Downtime. You can override these restrictions too like the app limit. They are more like good guidance and can help you in self-regulating your mobile

1.      How to Set Individual App Limits in iOS12?
2.      How to Set App Category Limits in iOS12
3.      When you approach the designated limit, iOS will notify you in advance with a notification.
4.      For deleting app category and individual app limits at any time:
5.      How to Use Downtime in iOS12?
6.      How to Exempt Certain Apps from Downtime?

1)    How to Set Individual App Limits in iOS12?
·         Open Settings App on your iOS device.
·         Click the Screen Time graph for this service.
·         Tap all devices alternatively.
·         Scroll down to Most Used list and Click the app you want to set a limit for.
·         Tap on Add Limit at the bottom of the menu.
·         Choose a time limit using the hour and minute wheels.
·         Tap Customize days if you want to set different limits for particular days of the week.
·         Click Add to apply to add a limit.
2)     How to Set App Category Limits in iOS12
·         Open Settings app on your iOS device.
·         Click Screen Time.
·         Click on App Limits.
·         Tap the categories in list that you want to include in limit or choose All Apps and Categories.
·         Click Add in the upper right of the screen.
·         Choose a time limit with the help of minute and hour wheel.
·         Select Customize days if you want to set different limits for particular days of the week.
·         Click on Back when you are done.
·         Add another limit if desired.
·         Tap on Screen Time to return to main Screen Time menu.
 3)    When you approach the designated limit, iOS will notify you in advance with a notification.
·         When you reach the limit, an alert will take over the screen.
·         Tap ignore limit if you want to override the customs limit.
·         Select either to Remind me in 15 minutes or Ignore Limit for today.
4)     For deleting app category and individual app limits at any time:
·         Go to
·         Go to Screen Time>App Limits.
·         Tap on the limit you want to remove and click Delete Limit.
5)     How to Use Downtime in iOS12?
·         Open Settings app on your iPhone or iPad.
·         Click Screen Time.
·         Click Downtime.
·         Enable Downtime.
·         Choose a Start and End time using the dropdown hour and minutes wheels.
 6)    How to Exempt Certain Apps from Downtime?
If you want some apps to remain accessible during the Downtime, then you can add these to your Allowed Apps list.
·         Go to Settings.
·         Go to Screen time.
·         Tap on Always Allowed.
Just tap green plus buttons beside apps that you want to add to list or tap the red minus buttons for removing them.visit our
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